Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Memoir: I Am The Victim of a Home Burglary; Won't Be Around As Much For A While

(from 2009)

This is going to be short and to the point. No jokes today. In fact no seeds today (with one exception) and for at least the next two or three days.
Yesterday I worked from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., leaving my home at 5 a.m. and returning at 10 p.m. I thought about writing something up about what it is like to work an election from the perspective of an election clerk instead of as a reporter covering the election. I also had ten stories I planned to seed but now I think I'll offer those, first come first serve, to those who email me since I don't like to seed stories I won't be around to moderate.
Anyway, I got home and found my apartment had been burglarized. They came in through a screen by the balcony. The police came and took finger prints. They may have found one set - they said the burglars clearly used gloves - but I'm hoping they are not my fingerprints or that of my nieces.
Stolen were:
A very nice digital camera given to me by my brother
The vcr/dvd player given to me by my sister and all the cables that went with it.
The cable modem box and,
most importantly,
and most tragically,
my laptop computer.
I actually closed the door, went outside and came back in willing for it to be different the second time. No dice.
So long story short I've now been unlucky twice, first the car stereo, now this. I did not have renters insurance. I will contact the apartment complex tomorrow (they are closed today) and have contacted the cable company.
Below are a few requests:
Can someone volunteer to review House this week? Please post if you can.
Same with Fringe this week. Can someone tape that?
(If someone can go by the House and Fringe articles and direct them here that'd be great)
Does someone have an extra or used laptop you can loan or sell me? I'm praying the computer is retrieved because among its contents are documents not saved elsewhere (most importantly, my notes from the autism interview I did last week which were not saved anywhere)
Can someone recommend a dvd/vcr player that also plays tv shows grabbed via BitTorrent. I will probably buy one though if someone wants to donate to the cause (i.e. me) that'd be great too and bit torrent-playing dvd players is much less important than having ANY equipment I can use. The only electronic thing the burglars left were the tv set and the cell phone charger.

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