Thursday, August 3, 2017

Eleven Signs You Are Now Living in Austin, Not Hagerstown, Md

(written soon after i moved here, in 2009)

As I get to know Austin, though, I notice things that are either uniquely Austin or, at least, reminders why this move was a good one.

So I give you this list (which will be updated periodically)...

You Know You Are In Austin When....

The list of free wifi hotspots at businesses is this (In Hagerstown there were maybe three places - Panera, Port City Java and one restaurant)

Instead of one school district per county there are at least 3-5 in this county of Austin's not to mention another 20 within an hour's drive. (This, btw, is why I'm more scarce right now - I'm applying for special ed jobs at as many of those places as possible). Here is a map to help you figure out what's where.

So far I have left applications with Belton (up near Waco), Eanes and today I'm filling out ones for San Marcos, and Round Rock and the Hutto Hippos. I mean how cool would it be to work in a place that has Hippo in its name?

You see businesses with names including Kick Butt Coffee, Gourmet and Vegetarain Meat Pies and, my personal favorite, Scooter's Coffeehouse (no relation.) Tomorrow I'll be at a place perfect given my interest in ducks: Quack's.

The weather is over 60 on a winter day. Rule of thumb I've found for weather: The high in Maryland is still colder than the low in Austin.

There is a taco stand on almost every block, some serving fish tacos (which is one of my favorite meals.)

Buildings of more than ten stories.

When you find more used book and cd stores than regularly priced stores, best summed up by one business called Frugal Media

More than two Interstates going through the county.

The "downtown" is more than just a few blocks.

Being bilingual is encouraged, not discouraged.

Austin City Limits. Last time I checked there was no Hagerstown City Limits

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