Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thankful on a special day

I'm thankful that I can keep an eye on my bosses most hostile and challenging child, who has the most special needs issues in this family of six kids and two adults...  

Thankful I can watch and work with him while she celebrates with her triplets the day seven years ago that they were discharged from the NICU unit to go home after being born prematurely.  

Thankful I know what to do when he "rages," as the family calls it, which he has been doing for the last 90 minutes, breaking all types of house rules, ignoring my instructions and orders. Thankful I knew to take his glasses from him so he would not damage them.  

Thankful I know to appear calm, despite not feeling calm, because as I've seen with him and other kids with autism and intellectual disabilities, if he sees me getting frustrated or angry that can deteriorate an already shaky situation.  

Thankful that he has chosen a task he finds calming, namely vacuuming, and is getting more relaxed and less defiant. And, no, sorry, he does not clean other homes, just his.  
Thankful I better understand why his mom has told me he has a knack for disrupting with these rages almost every family landmark and holiday... it almost happened today but with my improv and verbal judo skills I've averted things this time.  

Lastly I am thankful I have the kind of job where, despite its challenges, I can see how I positively impacted a tricky situation. 

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