I am thankful that about 300 people attended the event tonite to show support for the mosque in Pflugerville that was vandalized, with someone wiping feces and torn out pages from the Quran onto the mosque. One sign I spotted replied, "keep your poop and hate to yourself."
Thankful one person set up this event to demonstrate pflugerville and the region both find those actions abhorrent and want those attending the mosque to know they are welcome here.
Thankful people were not deterred by the cold or wind knowing showing love and welcoming trump bad weather.
Thankful for not only those representing the mosque (beseeching people not to base opinions based on video and news clips) but Christians and a Unitarian Universalist minister at Live Oak and teachers and the area rotary club leader all sharing positive messages.
There's good that will outweigh bad every time, one speaker said. I thought that summed up the tone and message of the event.
Lastly, I am thankful people can see past the hate, bigotry and fearmongering being spread and understand the importance not to stereotype and generalise or blame, say , all Muslims for the actions of a few.
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