Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Big Breakthrough Day

Written Friday May 10:

Today is a big day. A video crew is going to interview my charge and I about how he learned, with my help, about money and became comfortable enough to order and pay for items independently.

Then they will film him independently getting money out of an atm.... then using that money to, again independently, order a haircut, pay with proper tips.

This will summarize some of our recent work with him becoming more aware of his abilities and options and not always adult to do things for him.

The video will be used to show families of kids and teens with mental health needs what can be possible if you are creative, patient and focused, esp. If you can find ways to make it fun.

The first part was the part I was most worried about, he and I being asked,separately, questions from one guy while another captured the video. While confident I can easily explain things having lights and technology and more people... that could easily have been a recipe for trouble but he stated cool and calm and did great
Him using an atm and him getting a haircut are easier parts and the crew was great about letting us having a two hour break before we do those things

We did the other parts, him using an atm and getting a haircut, and it all went great

and he did something new, for the first time
he realized he was picking at his face, as he sometimes does with his acne, and he took himself to the bathroom to do it away from others (as iv'e taught him is the hygienic and socially acceptable way to do
things.) It helps - and hits home - when i tell him that such actions decrease his chances of finding a wife one day (one of his life goals is to have a wide and kids)

For like two years I've reminded him dont pick at your pimples while sitting with someone (namely me). I'll stop reading aloud to him both because I want him to get in the practice of picking or popping acne in the bathroom and because it's distracting to be reading to someone more interested in their face than the story. Or, more subtly, I'll ask him to take over reading which forces him to stop.   

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