Friday, September 22, 2017

Five Things the Indiana Jones Movie Did Wrong (warning: Spoilers)

I was, frankly, underwhelmed, by the movie.
1 – Spielberg and Lucas fell for the "everything but the kitchen sink" mistake. Watching the movie reminded me of the first few episodes of the tv series House after the writer's strike, when there were too many different things thrown into the mix.
2. – The good news is there is no equivalent to a character as annoying as Jar Jar. The bad news is that there are scenes, like one in which Shia LaBeouf is racing across a jungle along with hundreds of sorta cute monkeys and I sighed and thought, "Oh, God, here come the Indy equivalent of ewoks."
3 – The Mac plot thread. Without giving too much away, let's just say the character is clichéd (greedy, cocky, stupid) and I tired of him in the first 30 minutes and my heart sank each time he came back on screen. Come to think of it, he IS sort of the Indy equivalent, for me at least, to Jar Jar.
4 – Wooden dialogue and some wooden acting. It's a bad sign when you can guess what an actor will say before he or she says it, especially when you've not watched an Indiana Jones move in more than five years. In other words, the dialogue was predictable and clichéd, which seems to often be the case in George Lucas-written stories. Also I was underwhelmed by Shia's acting. As Time put it in their review LaBeouf is "an intelligent actor without an ounce of charisma."
5 - All that said, there are good parts to the movie. It has lots of good action scenes, for example. But to me this reminded me less of Raiders of the Ark and more of the Temple of Doom, meaning some good scenes but some that go on so long and are so clichéd, that I really can't see watching it again and again.">

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