Saturday, July 29, 2017

My Eight Point Plan For Doing A Good Interview

Note: This plan is for doing interviews in person or on the phone. An email interview, which is how I do most of my interviews since leaving paid journalism, is a different creature. I'll deal with email interviews in a separate article – I'll try to write that next weekend - but the main difference comes down to the importance of listening. I wrote about that previously.
Put simply, listening and silence are great tools and/or weapons for you to use as an interviewer and you lose that when you do interviews via email because they can plan their answers. On the other hand, that change is one of the reasons why some are now insisting on being interviewed that way.
My Eight Point Plan For Doing A Good Interview
1 - While I wasn't a Boy Scout I do know and endorse their motto: Be Prepared. The worst thing you can do if you interview someone is to go in to the interview unprepared. I always cringe when I see people do interviews on TV where it becomes obvious the person has not read the book or seen the movie they are there to talk about. For example, I insist on finishing every book – no matter how bad and a few have been horrible – for which I do an interview or review.
For purposes of this article let's say you are doing an interview with a politician. You want to read other interviews the politicians has done. Read biographical information about the politician. Pay attention to what topics most interest you and – provided they fit whatever your actual assignment is – jot them down. You can't fake – at least not easily – interest and if you have a topic of shared interest that's always a great starting point.
Note also what questions the politicians evaded in prior interviews. Depending on whether you want your interview to be soft or hard jot these questions down. Don't worry at this point about the order of your questions and thoughts – I'm getting there.
2 – Write down questions you want to ask but use them as guideposts not as a script. Let me give a personal example – my first years of journalism I was not only wet behind the ears but I was also much more shy. So my wish upon starting an interview was for it to be over as soon as possible. As a result I'd leave and realize I never got answered half the questions I needed answered. So I'd have to do another interview, this one over the phone. What they took for persistence and "wow you really want to get this right" was really me screwing up but finding ways to cover for it.
So I began doing what a lot of journalists do: I wrote down a list of questions and then asked them in whatever order I wrote them down. I didn't realize until later that the order matters and that it can be quite good to drift from that list.
Was this good at getting answers to all the questions? Yes. Was it probably frustrating for the person being interviewed that we'd jump from talking about his family to his college to his proudest moment with no real transition? Probably.
What I learned was to pay attention to those topics that most interested the subject. It requires you to be more observant but it pays off because if you can catch their attention and focus their answers will be better and the whole interview will become more interesting to both of you. There is nothing worse than a dry interview where nothing of interesting is said. Then the reporter is bored with his own story and I, for one, can always tell when a reporter really wants to write a story versus has to tell the story but has little connect or interest in it.
3 – That brings us to step 3 which is the actual interview. By now you have gotten up to speed on the subject at hand and are armed with some questions. If you came across discrepancies between interviews and biographies of the
Start the interview with a softball question. Sample softball questions: "How did you come to be a politician?" "Did you ever think, growing up watching Watergate on TV, that one day you'd be one of those guys?" etc.
Save the "You said you are against gays but you yourself are gay according to your profile on"-style questions for later.
Why a softball question? It has three purposes: It gets the subject relaxed and comfortable, thinking all of the questions will be softballs (wrong!), it gives you a chance to get to know the person's speaking style and it starts the
interview relationship off on the right food. It's the journalism equivalent of buying dinner on the first date. But remember just because the guy gives you a long answer to that first question doesn't mean you have to use the answer, short or long.
4 – After one or two softball questions (depending on how many it takes to relax the person) then you start asking some of your prepared questions. Remember to pay attention to his answers. Also watch body language. You can tell which questions he likes and which he doesn't. How you respond to that depends on what kind of interview you want, how aggressive you want to be, etc. Some love to hone in on the awkward questions to try to se why questions about his past 18 wives makes him cross his arms. Others aren't interested because the story might be focused on another angle.
Avoid predictable, easy questions at this point in the interview. If the subject doesn't appreciate your out-of-the-box questions your reader will. There's only so many times someone can be asked about a famous nickname without getting bored and giving a canned answer. Instead why not ask what nickname he wish he had instead?
5 – Watch for connections. When you find a topic he finds interesting adapt your questions to that. If he keeps bringing up fishing analogies and anecdotes then use that to your advantage and make some of your remaining questions more, for lack of a better word, fish-friendly. He will notice you are staying on a topic he is interested in and may not notice – or at least not be as quick to catch on – when you switch from softball to hardball questions if you do so while you are connecting about fishing expeditions.
6 – Listen well and use silence as a weapon. Put simply, awkward silences annoy people – if you know to expect it then it won't bother you as much as it will bother him. People try to fix these awkward silences by saying something and that something is often one of the best things you will get out of the interview. If the awkward silence comes after you'd asked him a question about his father, for example, he may decide to fill that silence by saying something he was thinking but had not planned to share, a personal anecdote maybe or a pointed remark. Work the silence.
7 – Be Like Columbo. Remember the television series Columbo? Yeah I never watched a full episode or movie either but I love one thing he did – he'd finish up an interview and just as the person was relaxing Columbo would say, "Oh, yeah, there was just one more thing."
"Yeah?" The person would say.
And that's when Columbo or – in this case you – pull out the big question, the one that can blow the case out of the water or end an interview (which is why you've wisely saved the question for the end).
A Columbo question would be, for example, "You said you are innocent of your cousin's murder so would you mind explaining why your monogrammed underwear was stapled to his suicide not?"
Nothing so dramatic for you, probably. But it does make sense to put the nice questions at the start and the ones that could cause the interview to be ended prematurely near the end, i.e. if he ends the interview you can still write the story if you've gotten all the minor biographical details squared away first. But if you'd just accused the man of being a hypocritical son of a bitch who was no better than his thieving father and he's given you the quote that will be the headline tomorrow: "At least I didn't get caught," chances are good you're not going to be able to get him to stop and talk to you after that. So work under the assumption that if you are going to ask a tough question you'd better have everything else you're going to need from this person before you ask it. Otherwise you might get a great quote but you don't know how to spell the person's name or his age or... 69 other pieces of important biographical information your editor will want you to include.
8 – Assuming you finish the interview on terms that do not involve using four letter words it's good to make plans for any clarifications. I usually ask where they will be where I can reach them during the next day or so as I write up the article. There's always a few questions that come up as you write it up, from "did he mean to refer to his wife as "that witch"?" to "hey, first he said he served in World War II then later he said Vietnam. Which was it?"
Often they seem pleased that you care enough about the truth, and the story, to double check details. But don't fall for the "just call me at work if you need me" gag. If you really need them you can't rely on getting a hold of them at work especially if any of your story is going to be negative. Insist on getting their cell phone number. Save these numbers. I treasured my list of cell phone numbers. Those numbers are gold when you need the person in a hurry and the odds you'll get to talk directly to the source, as opposed to a meddling overprotective secretary, are also better.
Now you have your information and it's time to start writing your article. When in doubt about any answers call to get it clarified. Don't let the person take back anything he said but do give him the chance to explain what he meant if it was something confusing or particularly contentious.

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